Significant increase of working efficiency
The Digitalization considerably increases the productivity of employees and reduces man-hours spent on performing functions by automating manual labor:- Automatic preparation by the system of the standardized forms of documents and reports. All sections of documents and reports, including the text part and drawings are prepared by the system automatically, eliminating the need for manual editing of templates and preparation of graphics.
- Interaорпction between actors of processes (approvals, transfer of execution) takes place only within the System, allowing to abandon the traditional paper workflow.
Reducing human error rate
Any data which is input into the system by a responsible specialist once, and then becomes available to performers at all stages of the process. This eliminates multiple inputs of the same data in the system, as well as errors associated with inconsistent data. It reduces the human factor and multiple inputs of the identical data.
Decrease of service execution timeline
Automation of tasks using digital tools and technologies. Reducing the time required to perform procedures by the highest extent of automation and well-established online interaction between actors including stakeholders.
New level overseeing capabilities
Implementation of the System will provide new opportunities for organization and control of employees' work. The Client’s management team will have online access to statistical information about the current work of the organization (the total number of processes, the number of procedures performed by every specialist, procedures in progress or already completed, etc.) and operational information about the status of the current procedures (detection of delays in execution, at what stage the delay occurred, who is the executor, etc.), as well as information about the personal contribution of employees.
Based on our experience, we believe that Digitization leads to the following effects: