Exclusive digital ecosystem for sustainable territory development
Land Management is smart solutions for ultimate automation of performing territory-related procedures such as the formation of a plot of land, building permits issuing, land tenure management, etc.
Our high level of automation provides reduction in service execution time and operational cost, it also eliminates human element and therefore reduces error rate. With help of digital standard operating procedure's system automatically tracks timelines and deadlines, which is especially crucial for multi-staged services with responsibility shared between multiple departments.

Significant increase of working efficiency
The Digitalization considerably increases the productivity of employees and reduces man-hours spent on performing functions by automating manual labor:
  • Automatic preparation by the system of the standardized forms of documents and reports. All sections of documents and reports, including the text part and drawings are prepared by the system automatically, eliminating the need for manual editing of templates and preparation of graphics.
  • Interaорпction between actors of processes (approvals, transfer of execution) takes place only within the System, allowing to abandon the traditional paper workflow.
Reducing human error rate
Any data which is input into the system by a responsible specialist once, and then becomes available to performers at all stages of the process. This eliminates multiple inputs of the same data in the system, as well as errors associated with inconsistent data. It reduces the human factor and multiple inputs of the identical data.
Decrease of service execution timeline
Automation of tasks using digital tools and technologies. Reducing the time required to perform procedures by the highest extent of automation and well-established online interaction between actors including stakeholders.
New level overseeing capabilities
Implementation of the System will provide new opportunities for organization and control of employees' work. The Client’s management team will have online access to statistical information about the current work of the organization (the total number of processes, the number of procedures performed by every specialist, procedures in progress or already completed, etc.) and operational information about the status of the current procedures (detection of delays in execution, at what stage the delay occurred, who is the executor, etc.), as well as information about the personal contribution of employees.

Why do we need it?
Based on our experience, we believe that Digitization leads to the following effects:
Regulations for regular execution procedures
Tailor-made automated software
Territorial data
Regular execution procedure
It is a step-by-step description of the procedure for performing a function or service. It describes and makes determined the order of its execution, the sequence of operations, the conditions of switching between stages, the responsibility of team members, the order of interaction between actors, distribution of responsibility at the software level, inputs, and outputs.
Business processes execution is to be transformed into a definitive sequence of sequential and (or) parallel elementary steps. Each step is to be clearly described:
  • what exactly is done;
  • input data, deliverables, result of the step;
  • conditions for step execution;
  • responsible party to perform the step;
  • timeline, deadline.

Essentially, the system of developed regulations is the object of automation, a framework of requirements for the functions of the System, scenarios of its operation. Organizational analysis and analysis of regulations is a priority for the development of the System.
Tailor-made automated software
It is a set of application subsystems and software components that ensure the execution of regulations and control functions in an automated mode. The software provides storage, accumulation, and provision to users of necessary data to perform a municipal services and their job duties. Software automates the process of preparation of documentation, information interaction operations, as well as formation of reports of varying complexity by specified parameters. For example, such reports as the number of submitted applications for a municipal service, the number of closed applications and documents prepared by department employees or one employee, the workload of a specialist, etc.

The system provide following benefits:
  • saves employees from having to re-enter data;
  • warn the user in advance about the expiration of the deadline for the tasks;
  • prompts the user about the information required to fill in the software forms;
  • prompts the user about the high-priority tasks and tasks that are under the control of the management team;
  • shows the number of tasks assigned to the employee;
  • will prevent the user from accidentally changing the process of execution on the service, due to the clear definition of the list of functions assigned to each of the employees;
  • will prevent the user from assigning the execution of a service or function to an employee who does not have this authority;
  • will prohibit the correction of data that are not within his competence.
Territorial data
A prerequisite for achieving the goals set is to bring the territory data into a form which is suitable for automated processing, i.e., the conversion of raw data from digital and paper archives.

Various types of information may be needed: topographic materials, information about land plots and their characteristics, urban planning documentation in its entirety, data on engineering, transport and social infrastructure, etc.

In other words, converting data into software solution is a required stage of digitization because it makes it possible to process data automatically, taking out any human labor completely in most data analysis operations.
System components
The system is based on three basic “pillars”:
All above-mentioned components equally affect the desired result.
Exclusion or reduction of any of them will not produce the expected result.
Here you can see some screenshot from our tailor-made soft
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